张国云多次举办个展和联展,积极参与社会公益活动。2015年6月,应邀参加由民族文化宫、国家民族画院主办,中国民族艺术馆承办的“盛世中国—2015当代书画名家系列邀请展之‘福韵六和’书画名家六人联展”;应邀参加“第六届长城艺术博揽会”,其作品《福寿千秋》获得银奖;2015年6月,参加由中国侨联主办的“蓝丝带助残基金会公益书画展”;被中国国际文化艺术研究院授予“环保爱心艺术大使”称号。2016年1月,荣获第七届国际文化产业发展论坛中非友好艺术家奖;2016年5月,作品《祝寿图》入选当代书画名家精品展;2016年5月,由联合国文明联盟、中国少数民族对外交流协会、中国民族文化宫、中国国家民族画院举办的“可持续发展·文明与爱”绘画艺术展中,两幅作品《普度众生》、《平安是福》被组委会收藏。2017年3月,作品《秋实》入选由中国女画家协会联合举办的“巾帼凤仪 丹青芳馨”中国当代百名女画家国画作品展。2018年12月,作品《风云万里》入选“爱我中华-中央国家机关首届元旦名家书画展”。2019年4月被中华慈善总会特授予“中华慈善爱心贡献艺术家”荣誉称号。2020年10月,作品《雕花的马鞍》入选泰山第五届中国女书画家作品展;2020年12月,作品《松鹤延年》入选中法文化交流书画摄影展,并被组委会收藏。2021年2月,作品《致敬白衣天使》入选“抗疫情·迎新春”书画精品展,并获优秀奖;2021年6月,作品《虎跃龙腾》在“勿忘来时路”庆祝建党100周年主题书画展中被评为优秀作品。7月庆祝建党100周年书画精品展作品《龙的传人》获银奖。2022年喜迎党的二十大,作品《花好月圆》获奖特等奖。2023年作品《朝晖》参加北京三地艺术交流展。
zhang guoyun, female, born in 1951, is a newcomer from fuxin, liaoning. she has loved painting since childhood and graduated from fuxin normal school with a major in fine arts in 1973. i currently reside in beijing and am studying under the famous painter mr. chai jingjin. member of the china artists association, liaoning artists association, china great wall calligraphers and painters association, painter hired by the national academy of ethnic painting, director of the beijing art creation center, and vice president of the beijing jingbei painting academy. deputy secretary general of fuxin artists association and painter of fuxin calligraphy and painting academy.the art works have participated in international, domestic, and provincial/municipal art exhibitions multiple times and won awards. representative works such as "golden childhood" and "tiger baby auspiciousness" were selected for the 6th national annual art exhibition; "bright spring" was selected for the "national art exhibition celebrating the 80th anniversary of the founding of the chinese people's liberation army"; "auspicious charm" was selected for the "national exhibition of fine arts and colorful paintings" and won the excellence award (highest award); "spring" was selected for the "national art exhibition commemorating the 85th anniversary of the founding of the chinese people's liberation army and the 12th military art exhibition"; "chinese dream, my dream" was selected for the national art exhibition on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the people's liberation army; cradle participated in the international friendship art exchange exhibition. has published multiple new year paintings and publicly distributed them nationwide. representative works such as "long live the motherland", "golden childhood", and "carved horse y saddle" participated in the 8th, 9th, and 10th national art exhibition liaoning exhibition area art exhibition and won the excellent award. has won the fuxin municipal government's "red agate" award for literary and artistic creation twice, and some works have been collected by relevant units.zhang guoyun has held multiple solo and joint exhibitions and actively participated in social welfare activities. in june 2015, i was invited to participate in the "prosperous china 2015 contemporary calligraphy and painting masters series invitational exhibition - 'fu yun liu he' calligraphy and painting masters six person joint exhibition" hosted by the national ethnic culture palace and the national ethnic painting academy, and hosted by the china national art museum; invited to participate in the 6th great wall art expo, his work "blessing and longevity for a thousand years" won a silver award; in june 2015, participated in the "blue ribbon foundation charity calligraphy and painting exhibition" hosted by the china overseas chinese federation; awarded the title of "environmental protection and love art ambassador" by the china academy of international culture and arts. in january 2016, won the china africa friendship artist award at the 7th international cultural industry development forum; in may 2016, the artwork "congratulations on birthday" was selected for the contemporary calligraphy and painting masterpieces exhibition; in may 2016, at the "sustainable development, civilization and love" painting art exhibition held by the united nations alliance for civilizations, the china association for foreign exchange of ethnic minorities, the china ethnic culture palace, and the china national academy of ethnic painting, two works, "saving all people" and "peace is blessing", were collected by the organizing committee. in march 2017, her work "autumn harvest" was selected for the "women, phoenix, danqing, and fragrance" chinese contemporary hundred female painters' traditional chinese painting exhibition jointly organized by the china women's painters association. in december 2018, the work "fengyun wanli" was selected for the "love china - first new year's day famous calligraphy and painting exhibition of central state organs". in april 2019, he was awarded the honorary title of "chinese charity love contribution artist" by the china charity federation. in october 2020, the work "carved saddle" was selected into the 5th mount taishan chinese women's calligrapher's exhibition; in december 2020, the work "song he yan nian" was selected for the sino french cultural exchange painting and calligraphy exhibition and was collected by the organizing committee. in february 2021, the work "salute to the angel in white" was selected for the "anti epidemic situation - welcoming the new year" calligraphy and painting exhibition, and won an excellent award; in june 2021, the work "tiger leaping and dragon teng" was awarded as an excellent work at the "don't forget the time and road" themed calligraphy and painting exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china. the painting and calligraphy exhibition "descendants of the dragon" celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china in july won a silver award. in 2022, celebrating the 20th national congress of the communist party of china, the work "full moon and flowers" won a special prize. in 2023, the work "morning glory" participated in the beijing three region art exchange exhibition.