冯和旺,男,生于1951年,晋城市泽州县大阳三分街人,1968 年参加工作,大专学历,经济师,中国共产党党员,系晋城市金属材料有限公司总经理,董事长。2011年退休,现为晋城市书法协会会员,国家一级书法师。中国艺术名家协会副主席、中国国际艺术家协会终身顾问、中国书画研究院艺委会委员、中国书画创作院研究员。许多作品在全国书法大展赛获大奖,并授予“中华人民共和国功勋书画家”、“世博功勋艺术家”、“华人艺术界资深书法家”、“奥运杰出书画艺术家”、“当代艺术大师”“德艺双馨艺术家”等称号,作品选为烧制国礼红瓷,被中国书画家联合会、中国书画传奇、中华文化名人堂、中国历代书法家选集等书集入选出版发行。书画作品被文化部艺术人才数据库下发了非物质文明保护证书,并评审确认作品润格书法每平方尺8000元至12,000元,绘画每平方尺15,000至¥18,000元,是央视书画频道签约的艺术家,聘请担任中央艺术名家书画院首批央美智库专家。
feng hewang, male, born in 1951 in sanyanjie, dayang, zezhou county, jincheng city, started working in 1968, with a college degree, economist, a member of the cpc, and is the general manager and chairman of jincheng metal materials co., ltd. retired in 2011, currently a member of the jincheng calligraphy association and a national first-class calligrapher. vice chairman of china artists association, lifetime advisor of china international artists association, member of the art committee of china academy of calligraphy and painting, and researcher of china academy of calligraphy and painting creation. many works have won awards at the national calligraphy exhibition and have been awarded titles such as "meritorious calligrapher and painter of the people's republic of china", "artist of world expo merit", "senior calligrapher of the chinese art community", "outstanding calligrapher and painter of the olympics", "contemporary art master", and "artist of virtue and art shuangxin". the works have been selected as fired national red porcelain and have been recognized by the chinese calligrapher and painter federation, chinese calligraphy and painting legend, and chinese culture hall of fame selected works of chinese calligraphers throughout history have been selected for publication and distribution. the calligraphy and painting works have been issued an intangible civilization protection certificate by the art talent database of the ministry of culture, and have been reviewed and confirmed to be worth 8000 to 12000 yuan per square foot for polished calligraphy and 15000 to ¥ 18000 yuan per square foot for painting. they are artists contracted by the cctv calligraphy and painting channel and have been hired as the first batch of experts in the central academy of fine arts think tank.